Amanda Simonelli: Blog 2024-05-11T16:45:00Z (C) Amanda Simonelli Amanda Simonelli How do I convince my teen to get grad photos done?

How do I convince my teen to get grad photos done?


I can say that when my boys were young I used to be scared of teenagers, and also worried what it would be like when my boys became “teens.” I think  I had this belief that they were going to be mean and grumpy, and would not want a connection with me.

Then I realized they are no different at 15yrs and 12  than when they were younger.  The reason teens  don’t want photos taken is because they are expecting it to be awkward. They don’t know how to stand or what to do in front of the camera. They are just plain worried that it’s going to be uncomfortable. Tell you what, that’s what most people worry about regardless of their age.


That’s why my number one job as a photographer is to make sure the person in front of my lens is comfortable. The experience shouldn’t be “pose like this, smile, and click” and be on your way. It’s about creating a relationship, if only for an hour, so that at the end of the experience you walk away with stunning  photos that your family is proud of and you’ve captured an amazing moment in time.


Here are some of my favourite grad’s. Please reach out if you are interested in having photos taken of your grad! 


Amanda Simonelli (C) Amanda Simonelli 2024-05-11T16:44:26Z 2024-05-11T16:44:26Z I'm not just taking your photo!

The best compliment I receive after a headshot session, is “wow that was a lot of fun” or something to the effect that they were expecting an awkward and uncomfortable experience and they are delighted that the opposite experience was true. I have two very important jobs to do while you are in my studio, the second of which is taking great photos. The first and most important job is to welcome you into my studio and put you at ease by letting you know that I am going to take care of you. I am going to guide you in how to pose, and what facial expressions are most flattering to make sure you present your best self in front of the camera. I have had some clients start a session by  saying “you’re going to have a lot of trouble today, I don’t take good photos,” then 30 minutes later they are shocked and how many good photos they have to choose from! If you know that having a new headshot is a great idea for your professional branding but are afraid you just don’t take good photos, I want to encourage you to reach out and put your trust in me. 


Amanda Simonelli (C) Amanda Simonelli 2024-01-08T18:52:13Z 2024-01-08T18:52:13Z Why is a corporate Headshot important?

Specializing in Headshot Photography in the Calgary region. With social media dominating the method in which we market ourselves to clients or prospective employers, having a professional headshot sends a message to others that your career and aspirations are important to you.  Furthermore, a professional headshot advertises your presence in the corporate world.  It creates an opportunity for you to showcase your skills and attributes that would be beneficial for others to acquire. 


As a Headshot Photographer, I believe in demonstrating a consistent portfolio. Images will predominantly be taken in a landscape orientation and feature a white backdrop.  If my style of headshot is appealing to you, you can be confident that your images will match those in my portfolio.


Please book your session through [email protected]


Amanda Simonelli (C) Amanda Simonelli 2024-01-08T18:34:39Z 2024-01-08T18:34:39Z What to expect for a headshot session

A studio session with me will run around 30 minutes.   In that time I want to make sure to capture your authentic self, to showcase your personality and to provide you with an image that will help promote your personal brand. Variety is a key component to accomplishing this and I want you to demonstrate your versatility on camera. Some people will prefer how they look from the left side, right side or straight on. Not sure what your preference is, we will discover that together. At the end of our session you will be provided with multiple images so that you can chose the best version of you.    


Amanda Simonelli (C) Amanda Simonelli 2024-01-08T18:34:25Z 2024-01-08T18:34:25Z What to wear for a Headshot Photo

A common question I receive from my guests prior to coming in for a new headshot, is what should I wear. 

I use a white back drop for my images, so the first thing is make sure you are wearing something that will make you stand out from the white ( No solid white shirts alone please). Solid colors are a great choice, especially a color that will bring out your eyes.   Secondly, it’s important to wear something that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Therefore I don’t recommend going and buying something brand new, in case it’s a fabric or color that you don’t normally wear.   A Fourth tip is to avoid busy prints, or heavy jewelry that can pull the viewers focus from your face.  Lastly regardless of the color choice, what's most important is that the item of clothing you have chosen fits you. Baggy clothing not only looks messy and distracting, it is not a professional well put together look. 


Hopefully these suggestions are helpful to you, if you need more guidance don't hesitate to reach out with more questions!



Amanda Simonelli (C) Amanda Simonelli 2024-01-08T18:30:15Z 2024-01-08T18:30:15Z